Monday, 7 December 2015

Christmas : New Year Wishlist..

As stated in my last wish list back in June I am very much into the law of attraction and putting stuff out into the universe so here is my wishlist for Christmas and the start of the new year, I will also include a few things I want to do for the year ahead.

1) RayBan Oversized Clubmaster (already ordered, lol) 2) New Home 3) New Car (An Audi A1 or VW Scirococo) 
8) Louboutin pik boat flats or Giuseppe Zanotti - Kriss trainers Size 4/37

  • This year I really want to stay in some nice hotels as I really have a thing for a good hotel & breakfast in bed. I have found an amazing hotel in Tenerife (yes, really!) that I want to visit.
  • I'd like to try to go to Amsterdam, Paris an possibly to some part of the USA in 2016
  • I need to lose some weight this year.
  • I want to visit Marco Pierre Whites restaurant, Inamo and The cereal killer cafe in London

What is on your wishlist?

(Prices and details correct at time of publishing. This is not a sponsored post)


Wednesday, 18 November 2015

From Paris, with love..

I wasn't going to post this due to what is going on in Paris at the moment, but I think it is a good to highlight the possitive things that happen in France.


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I recently took a long weekend trip to Paris, France.
I have always wanted to visit Paris since I was very young, growing up a lot of the architecture in other countries I found was heavily influence by french work.
Also the place just looks amazing in photographs and blogs.

I watched a few Vlogs by Zara of MouldyFruit and Samantha Maria this inspired me to just go for it and book a little weekend trip away.

We chose to go on the EuroStar aka train and found a great deal on a lovely hotel which was within walking distance of the Eiffel tower. I was slightly worried that it would be a case of looks great in the pictures but that's the best room but I am trying to live a little so went for it.

The hotel we stayed in had it's own app where you can upgrade your room, arrange flowers, a babysitter or treats in your room and even book experiences for your stay. If you want to be super planned they even have a live chat on the app where you can speak to the front desk. 

Tip: before you arrive download the 'Paris metro map and route planner' app if you are on iPhone, came in super useful. You can type in the landmark and it will give you the best tube route. 

Arriving in the station was very confusing if you don't know what is ahead, But, when you take a step back and process it it is exactly the same as the London tube just the stations have french names. The ticket machine is very confusing even when you translate it to English.
We opted to buy the pack of 10 one way tickers as we planned to do a lot of sight seeing and it was just simpler for us.

After a short tube ride we got to the hotel 'First hotel Paris tour Eiffel' which is at 2 Boulevard Garibaldi 75015, the tube station 'Cambronne' is literally across the road which came in handy and the hotel was even better in person than in the pictures, very modern decor and clean and the guy on reception was very accommodating of the fact that we didn't speak much French.


The view from the room was amazing, also very modern decor and had a mini fridge. When lying in bed you could see the Eiffel Tower (amazing at night) and there was not really much noise from outside considering the metro station is literally across the road.

After placing all of our belongings and relaxing for a little while we decided to take a walk to the Eiffel tower which was literally a 5-10 minute walk down a straight road.

The Eiffel Tower:
The Eiffel tower is way bigger than I expected it to be and the park surrounding it is picturesque. There are various points where you can take great pictures. My favourite place was directly underneath especially at night. Its so simple but looks amazing in real life.

 It has a two different levels, we only went half way up and the views were amazing from there and they have a observation deck slightly above to get an even greater view. We went up just before sunset and managed to be up the tower to see all the city lights. If you not big on que's it is best to go early or late if you want to go up the tower. We had to que for a about 20 minutes but spent most of it taking pictures and talking to an american man in the que.

Do prepare yourself to be approached often by men selling selfie sticks, mini Eiffel towers and various cold drinks. If you tell them no they do just leave you alone unlike other countries I have visited.

Tip: If you do book to eat in the towers restaurant you can actually skip the long que as it has it's own lift. 

Tower prices: 

To the top:
Adult -17 €Youth aged 12-24 - 14.5 €Child 4-11 years old or Handicapped - 10 €Person assisting a handicapped visitor- 10 €

To half way:
Adult - 11 €Youth 12-24 - 8.5 €Child aged 4-11 years old or Handicapped - 4 €Person assisting a handicapped visitor - 4 €

The Notre Dame Cathedral:

We visited the Norte dame cathedral on a Sunday, it was about a two minute walk from the station tucked away down. It is very beautiful up close and you are able to inside it was free on this day. Their was a service going on but you are still able to go around the inside of the building and take photographs.
You can also go up on top of the cathedral and tours are available in English, Spanish French, German, Italian, Japanese and Russian, I didn't go up this time but I think next time I visit I will go up and take in the view.

Pont Des Arts aka Love Lock Bridge:

I was so gutted when I heard that they were going to be taking down all the locks from the bridge that is so synonymous with Paris. I had seen that my friend went to Paris recently and she took a picture in front of it so went on a little adventure to find out if it was there or not.
Lo and behold it was there.. kind of! basically they have take them down from the main bridge over the water and replaced it with this really cool art work (see below) but the sides of the bridge which are over the pavement still have a ton of locks on WOO HOO! So we did the traditional lock and throwing of the key into the river never to be seen again.


Arc De Triopmphe:

When you come out of the station near to the Arc you are greated by this beautiful monument in the middle of chaos. It is right in the middle of a round a bout. Their is a special subway like passage which takes you under the road and up right under the arc. It's carved and has amazing moulding's.
You can also go up on top of the monument but it is great at ground level. 

The Louvre Museum:
One of the main things I wanted to see/take pictures by in Paris and it did not disappoint. It is set in the courtyard of the museum.
The building is surrounded by some smaller versions and various little platforms you can stand on to take the classic pinching the top picture. Absolutely love this!
If you want to go inside the museum itself it's best to get there as early as possible because before you know it a huge que appears and who wants to wait in a que really. Inside they have this lift in the middle to go up and down I believe is only for disabled access but it is amazing looks like something out of iron man,
When you go in the gallery is split into four sections you would need to save a good portion of your day if you want to look at everything as It was our last day we wanted to quickly scout out the Mona Lisa and we did. You can get quite close to it but there is a barrier. What I found amazing is that directly opposite the Mona Lisa the biggest painting of the last supper covering most of the wall and everyone is fighting to see the Mona Lisa.

The inside is amazing and the art work plenty. Their are ALOT of stairs so be prepared.
As we only had limited time to look around before our train home I do want to go back and I would love to go at night to see it all lit up.
It was about £10 for the ticket which you purchase inside the lobby of the Louvre, they also have an apple store, shops and various restaurants.

Christian Louboutin:
19 Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 75001 Paris, France

I visited the Christian Louboutin but unfortunately it was closed. I did take a good look through the windows though they had a window dedicated to the lipsticks I was hoping to purchase in the shape of a peacock (see below) and they had a window where the nail polishes were displayed in colour order in their own individual little cut out in the wall and then the SHOES of course. I could have easily been pursuaded to pull out my credit and debit card and emptied my accounts it in that store.

Honorable mentions:

Pierre herme - Macarons
I had a big creme brule macaron
133 Av. des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris, France

The banana hot chocolate & McGriddles (aka pancakes with built in syrup)

No explanation needed, I literally spent 90% of my money on the last day in Sephora.

(All pictures taken by myself , This is not a sponsored post)


I set out to purchase a name necklace as the one I had previously I purchased from eBay a long time ago had turned a funny colour probably due to it being cheap and spray painted gold no doubt. I had seen Zara from MouldyFruit  had one from there and it looked great and she had commented it was from MyNameNecklace

I had a look around the website and opted for the 'Cursive Name Necklace' 18kt gold plated name plate on a 18' chain which was $65 (approx £42) I wasn't sure what to expect but from what I had seen of Zara's I went ahead.

Usually ordering from the US is a nightmare and you end up paying more for postage than for the item, but the shipping was actually free and it arrived quite fast considering it came from the USA,

It arrived in a beautiful cerise pink felt pouch pouch, with a discount code for another purchase. Bonus!

I have worn the necklace pretty much every day since it arrived including in the shower and to the gym. It has still maintained its gold colour very well and polishes up even better. I always get compliments on it everywhere I go and people asking where I got it from.
I love it so much I want another one but in a different font or style.

They offer other a wide range of personalised necklaces, lockets and rings in gold, rose and silver. They even have good options for multiple names. You can also choose the chain length to suit your needs.

(Prices and details correct at time of publishing. This is not a sponsored post)


Wednesday, 29 July 2015

My Cancer Experience: Part One - Discovering A Problem

As I mentioned briefly in my first new post, I will be blogging about my experience with Cancer.
I will divide this over a few posts about the stags I personally experienced: 
Finding out, Diagnosis, Treatment, Life after cancer and any tips I can think of for family, friends and patients 

So my story begins:

In Early 2012, I was working a full time job at River Island. It was a different role abit more physically than I was used to. I noticed that I was losing weight even though nothing in my diet had really changed. I put this down to the fact that I was now running up and down 6 flights of stairs about 16+ times a day and moving heavy boxes of clothes around.
One of my friends literally said to me once 'What is going on with you, you look anorexic' looking back now I did look ill but as I see myself every day I didn't really notice.

Shortly after this I developed a pain in my diaphragm (just where your ribs stop in the middle) and I had developed a pea sized lump under my left armpit. It was hard and I could move it around.
Growing up it has been promoted to teenage girls to get any lump checked out, so I went down to my local NHS walk in centre as I wasn't yet registered at a local doctor due to moving house.
The doctor advised me that the pain in my diaphragm was Indigestion and the lump was breast change. Being 22 at this point I was silently sure that I knew this wasn't right and that I'd hit puberty long enough ago to know what 'Breast change' would feel like.
But this person is a qualified doctor who am I to question them, so off I went with my prescription for Gaviscon.

Six months later after completing the prescribed Gaviscon and 2 stone lighter than I had been most of my life. I still had the Lump, the diaphragm pain and I had now developed a dry cough which had lasted months, no flu symptoms etc.
So I returned to the same doctors as they had previously seen me for this problem.. again the prescribed me another course of Gaviscon. I took this home but I did not carry out the course as I was positive I was being mis-diagnosed.

A week after my 23rd birthday I woke up to a crushing pain feeling like I was being pushed in my back and chest at the same time. I took myself to A&E where I under went a CT scan and had to stay over night. The next day I was diagnosed with having Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Which I would later find out that I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Blood cancer) at stage 2 and that had I been brought in a year earlier when I first went to the NHS walk in centre I may have been at an earlier stage.

My next post's will be about: My experience with telling other people, treatment and the aftermath.


Thursday, 23 July 2015

Real Techniques Brushes

Real techniques is a company specializing in make-up brushes which is owned by sisters Samantha and Nicola Chapman. In 2008, Sam uploaded her first video to YouTube, then her sister later joined her to form what is now known as Pixiwoo. If you spend more time than you really should on YouTube like me you have probably come across one of their videos at some point.

In 2011, the Real Techniques brush collection was launched and has since become a fond favourite among ladies, gents and YouTuber's making countless appearances in the monthly favourite's video's and tutorial's of every ones favorite YouTube stars as well as being a big hit with make up artists worldwide.

So, I recently took a trip to Boots to replace my 'Expert face brush' due to accidentally breaking the handle off the one I owned. While I was there I couldn't help but pick up a few extras as I do also frequently use the 'Miracle complexion sponge' and love it.

This is what I picked up:

From Left to Right: Silicone Liner Brush £5.99, Blush Brush  £9.99, Expert face brush  £9.99, Shading Brush  £7.99,
(Prices when bought from Boots as only shows in dollars for some reason)


  • These brushes are very soft yet sturdy.
  • I don't get covered in hairs from them shedding which is a big pet hate of mine.
  • When I wash them they don't go stiff and out of shape.
  • The collection over all offers something for most peoples preference.
  • They are mid range in price; but worth every penny.
  • The liner is perfect for gel liners and I usually dip it in my liquid liner as I prefer this silicone tip.

The Sponge which I also own (not pictured above) runs at approx £5.99, it is a great alternative to the 'BeautyBlender' if you are on a budget.

Real techniques have recently launched a new bold metals collection. I having been eyeing up the flat contour brush which runs at around £22, I must say that the brushes themselves are so beautiful you almost wouldn't want to use them & just have them as ornaments. The new collection comes in a range of chrome silver, gold and rose gold and range from £10-25 dependent on the brush size.

Disclaimer: This is not sponsored, this is my personal opinion and items were bought with my own money. Prices correct at time of posting.


Monday, 1 June 2015

Wishlist for Summer 2015

I am a very big believer in the law of attraction, from first hand experience as well as seeing things happen for my friends.. If your not familiar with the law of attraction pick up the book
The secret By Rhonda Bryne. I've read it a few times. 

 I have a few things on my wishlist for the rest of 2015, My birthday is coming up and Christmas. So I have a few opportunities to treat myself. I thought I would share with you a few of them items I have my eye on at the moment. (L-R):
1) RayBan Clubmaster in Black with gold hardware, 2) Tattoo Tea Mug, 3) Frends headphones in Black with iridescent effect, 4) Louboutin Pigalle or fifi in Nude, 4) MAC double shot  lipstick, 5) Muji Drawers in 2 Wide

What is on your wishlist?

Update: I've got the Drawers, Glasses then My boyfriend got me Beats solo 2's for my birthday and the cup is sold out :(


Thursday, 14 May 2015

Starting over

I initially started this blog in 2010 and I actually did 32 posts but I was younger, less structured and didn't really put much effort into it...

Now I am 27 (28 in July) and it is something I can't shake off the desire to do. I am no expert on the things I will write about in my blog. It will be my opinion and experiences but I intended on learning new things along the way.

I live in the Midlands,UK. Currently I work at an insurance company on a digital chat team.. so I'm in that little box that pops up in the corner asking if you need any help. I worked in retail since I left school and really needed a change, I enjoy my job and work with some great people.

Three years ago I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma (blood cancer) and I will be sharing my feeling & experiences with that. I am now fine *fingers crossed*

On a lighter note my blog will contain posts about the things i have an interest in:- 
Fashion: Mostly affordable with a few key pieces
Make up: Mostly lipsticks 😊
Beauty tips: that work and for people with my skin tone, 
Food & Travelling.

I will be moving home soon, I want to go on some more holidays over the next year and I plan on getting lazer eye surgery too, I will share my experiences with you.

If one person reads it I will be more than happy with that.


Monday, 6 April 2015


All opinions and thoughts on everything featured on this blog are entirely my own. I own most of the photographs on this blog however if you do own the copyright to any content on this blog and would like it removed or credited please contact me and i'll be happy to do that.
If you would like to use any images from this blog please credit it back to here. I do not accept any gifting unless I feel it would work well with my blog and/or if it is not something I would usually wear or use.  
Some links on the site are affiliate links which I could benefit from, however this would never sway my opinion/s. 
All reviews I write are in my honest opinion, I will never sway my opinion just because something has been sent to me and I do not accept compensation for purely positive reviews.

© 2025 Y E L L A U X. All rights reserved.